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People Strategy


Attract the Best People

To ensure HET recruits the best people with the relevant experience, knowledge and shared values, we offer:

  • A culture of shared responsibility for people and outcomes where everyone is valued.
  • An organisation that embraces ethical leadership.
  • An extensive range of employee benefits with a comprehensive Employee Assistance Programme.
  • Competitive pay for all employees – in line with STPCD & NJC pay awards.
  • A generous and supportive Leave of Absence policy.
  • comprehensive induction programme with personalised training to give the greatest possible start.
  • A fair & inclusive candidate experience – consistent selection process for all.
  • Clear and comprehensive job specifications.
  • Personal pre-employment support and guidance.
  • A trust wide training and development programme (Nurture Talent & Excellence).

Work in a Great Place

HET is committed to our people and enhancing their work life experience. We achieve this by:

  • Supporting employee wellbeing and their mental & physical health.
  • Focusing on personal growth and development in each role through an annual appraisal for all.
  • Listening to employee feedback through our rigorous systems and processes and liaising with all to ensure a safe working environment.
  • Circulating employee engagement surveys to maintain open communication and gain feedback on employee experiences.
  • Celebrating effort & success through trust wide publications and school recognition of hard work and great practice.
  • Supporting all employees with clear employment policies.
  • Offering personalised CPD because the development and growth of our people is a priority. 
  • Collaborating. We are passionate about sharing best practice and embrace this through our professional network groups.
  • Working with all recognised unions.
  • Providing MAT wide communication supported by our HET SharePoint news and information page. See what’s going on across HET by visiting our social media sites X & Facebook.
  • Supporting your workload management. We continuously review our approach to workload for all staff groups, encouraging collaborative discussion to inform prioritisation and ensure workloads are manageable. We develop our policies and practices in line with research evidence and monitor the use of directed and contractual time.

Nurture Talent & Excellence

HET actively seeks to develop and empower our people across all staff groups, with structured career paths for both teaching and support staff. Personal development and wellbeing for staff is exceptional as summarised below:

Support Staff Development

Support staff form a significant majority of our total workforce. Our priority is to ensure they continuously develop their knowledge and skills so that they achieve personal ambitions and continue to deliver the very best for pupils. We achieve this through the following:

  • Participation in high quality school-based training opportunities.
  • Access to an extensive range of apprenticeships. HET staff are currently undertaking the following courses delivered by SERCO, Hull Business Training Centre, YH Training Service, TEC Partnership, Coventry University, BeReady, Hull College, Education & Skills Training & Development:
  • Business & Administration Level 2
  • Assistant Accountant Level 3
  • School Business Professional Level 4
  • Chartered Manager Level 6
  • Early Years Practitioner Level 2
  • Children & Young Peoples Workforce Level 2
  • Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Levels 2 & 3
  • Teaching Assistant Level 3
  • SEND Teaching Assistant Level 3

Teacher Development

We are committed to ensuring Early Career Teachers (ECTs) develop their skills, knowledge and confidence and quickly become highly effective. Our aim is to ensure they remain motivated and inspired to stay in the profession. Beyond the first few years of teaching, our aim is to help all teachers to continuously develop their expertise throughout their careers. We achieve these aims through the following:

  • Participation in high quality, school-based training opportunities.
  • Attendance at bespoke Early Career Teacher (ECT) events.
  • Participation in fully funded specialist National Professional Qualifications.
  • Opportunities to develop pedagogy and expertise through Teaching & Learning Ambassador roles.
  • Opportunities to apply for secondment roles in current or alternative trust schools in order to broaden and deepen experience.
  • Participation in our bespoke Teacher Development training programme – accessible to all teachers.
  • Participation in trust wide training in specialist areas e.g. SEND.


Leadership Development

Future and emerging leaders are identified early, nurtured and provided with a clear pathway to excel. Our priority is to help all leaders to continuously develop their expertise throughout their careers. We achieve this through the following:

  • Opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and confidence in preparation for Headship through our bespoke Aspiring Headteacher programme (New for 2024/5).
  • Access to training, support and resources for school-based leaders to deliver our Teacher Development Programme in their school.
  • Participation in high-quality, trust-wide training opportunities.
  • Participation in fully funded leadership and/or specialist National Professional Qualifications.
  • Opportunities to collaborate and learn alongside others through attendance at regular network events, including:
    • Core subjects – English and Mathematics
    • Specific leadership roles - SEND, Attendance, School Business Management and Designated Safeguarding Leads
    • Phase specific – Early Years, Sixth Form
    • Specialist areas - Communication
    • Personal development
  • Opportunities to lead one of the above subject network groups.
  • Access to bespoke support for subject leaders.
  • Access to coaching and advice for new and aspiring leaders.
  • Opportunities to learn how to develop the pedagogy and expertise of other teachers through our bespoke Instructional Coaching programme (New for 2024/5).
  • Access to fully funded opportunities to provide school-to-school support across the local area.
  • Opportunities for senior leaders to participate in quality assurance visits in other HET schools.
  • Access to mentoring and support for leaders new to role, e.g. Designated Safeguarding Leads.
  • Opportunities to collaborate and learn alongside other senior leaders in small groups via our ‘Hub’ model approach to School Improvement.
  • Access to Browne Jacobson specialist HR and safer recruitment training.
  • Opportunities to complete an Education Management Senior Leader Level 7 qualification.


Headteacher Development

Headteachers are leading professionals and role models for the communities they serve. Their leadership is a significant factor in ensuring high quality teaching and achievement in schools and a positive and enriching experience of education for all pupils. Together with executive leaders and those responsible for governance, they are custodians of our schools. Our priority is to help Headteachers to continuously develop their expertise, particularly when they are new to the role. We achieve this through the following:

  • Access to mentoring and support for new Headteachers.
  • Support for experienced Headteachers to apply for and undertake inspection work with Ofsted.
  • Opportunities for experienced Headteachers to broaden their experience by becoming one of the trust’s School Improvement Partners.
  • Participation in fully funded National Professional Qualification for Headship.
  • Participation in fully funded National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership.
  • Participation in high-quality, trust-wide training opportunities.
  • Opportunities to collaborate and learn alongside Headteachers and other senior leaders in small groups via our ‘Hub’ model approach to School Improvement.


All Staff Development

We are committed to ensuring all staff undertake regular core training in order to ensure, as a trust, we collectively fulfil our statutory responsibilities. Our E-Learning compliance platform is high-quality and offers flexibility so that staff are able to complete mandatory training at a convenient time and location. Key training units include:

  • Health & Safety
  • Premises
  • GDPR
  • Safeguarding
  • Cyber security
  • Whistleblowing