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Employee Benefits​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

At Humber Education Trust, we recognise that staff are our most valuable resource in providing the very best outcomes for all pupils. Achievement of our vision depends on recruiting, developing and retaining high quality staff. The following provides a summary of the offer we provide for all of our employees:


Education, Training & Development       

Across the Trust, we are dedicated to offering meaningful CPD to all employees. We have access to a range of apprenticeships as well as middle and senior leadership courses.

All of our employees have access to online training resources, allowing you to pick from a wide range of training.

We have many years of teaching skills and expertise across our employees who can mentor and train those looking to improve their skill sets and access future employment opportunities. Collaboration across our schools means we share best practice and support is there from like-minded colleagues.  Supportive staff, committed to improvement, who will work with you to achieve your goals.

Comprehensive Induction Programme

At Humber Education Trust we believe that effective induction is one of the best ways to welcome and integrate new staff into our organisation, thereby ensuring that they settle in and are able to work effectively and as efficiently as possible. Induction to Humber Education Trust takes place at a number of levels and involves contributions from a range of people.

The induction process is a thorough, robust process. Leaders avoid overloading new members of staff with too much information at once.  Therefore, the induction process is broken down into five phases:

  1. Prior to a new employee’s first day
  2. The first day
  3. End of the first week
  4. At the end of the first month
  5. A final induction meeting after six weeks.

Each phase is structured around four main aspects, each with its own intended outcome(s). The table below sets out the name and outcome(s) of each aspect:



Welcome and orientation

  1. New staff are made to feel welcome.
  2. New staff settle quickly and become familiar with the school environment

Familiarisation of key polices

  1. New staff read, understand and implement critical policies and procedures.
  2. New staff are signposted to other policies which will support them as a valued employee and help them be successful in their new role.

Training and support

  1. New staff develop the levels of knowledge and standards of professional competence necessary to maintain and improve standards in schools.
  2. New staff engage positively in the professional development process and have the opportunity to ask questions.
  3. New staff complete core training, in accordance with agreed timescales.
  4. New staff are informed and feel confident enough to seek further support, advice and clarity.

Employment matters

  1. New staff understand their contractual obligations and job description.
  2. The induction period dovetails to the probationary period.


All new staff are allocated a mentor to provide specialist support relevant to their role. A 'buddy' within their school is also offered. The 'buddy' provides informal support to ensure our new employee quickly feels comfortable in their new environment and has someone they can speak to about any aspect of school life.  

At the end of the induction period, our new employees are confident about HET culture, policies and our organisation. They have the basic knowledge to do their role and be competent to work unsupervised.

A new member of staff may be subject to a probationary period. HET ensure that this is conducted as a separate process alongside the induction timeline with the support of Human Resources.


Financial Wellbeing

Get access to a comprehensive Financial Wellbeing online portal, covering a wide range of topics including
Personal Finance, Investments and Savings, Mortgages and more.

Pension Schemes

You can use My Pension Online to check your pension at any time. 

• Member contributions - You’ll contribute according to a tiered structure and benefit from tax relief.
• Employer contributions - HET contributes the equivalent of 28.68% of your pay towards the cost of the benefits provided.
• Accrual - The amount of pension you build up is based entirely on your salary and service. You build up 1.75% of your salary each year. At the end of the year, this is increased by the rate of inflation (CPI) +1.6% which ensures that the longer you’re a member, the more your pension will grow.
• Security of the Scheme - The Teachers’ Pension Scheme is one of only eight schemes backed by the Government, so your pension is guaranteed.

Benefits of a Teacher's Pension

• Pension in retirement
• In service death grant
• Family benefits
• Flexible retirement
• Ill-health protection
• Saving options 
• My Pension Online 

Teachers' Pensions Brochure

You can use the ERPS members self-service website to check your pension at any time. 

• Member contributions - You’ll contribute according to a tiered structure and benefit from tax relief.
• Employer contributions - HET contributes the equivalent of approximately two thirds of the cost towards the cost of the benefits provided.
• Security of the Scheme - A secure pension linked to your earnings each year

Benefits of an ERPS Pension
  • Tax-free cash at retirement
  • Redundancy and efficiency retirement
  • Flexible retirement - if your employer allows this
  • Tiered ill-health retirement
  • A lump sum death grant of 3 times your salary
  • Pensions, for your spouse or partner and any dependent children
  • Tax relief on your contributions
  • Contributions from your employer
  • Flexibility to pay more or less contributions
  • Peace of mind
  • Freedom for you to choose when you want to take your pension.


You can check your state pension age via the state pension website.

Retail Discounts

Vivup - Lifestyle savings!

From spending less on everyday essentials to enjoying money off at the movies, staff can save across retail, food shopping, travel, dining out, leisure activities, and more in-demand categories.  

Discount for Teachers

Teachers & education sector staff work hard and deserve to be rewarded.

At Discounts For Teachers, it’s our mission to help your money go a little bit further.

All education sector staff, in any role, can access exclusive discounts, cashback and vouchers when you join our scheme. You can find over 1200 of the biggest brands on our website and thousands of deals.

Save on holidays, fashion, homeware, days out, mobiles, finance, insurance, TV & broadband and more.

It’s free to join and free to use, it only takes a couple of minutes to register, and you can start saving on your purchases right away.

Sign up for free today!

Local Gym Membership Discount

20% discount is available from all Hull and East Riding leisure centres.

Discounted Hotel Stays

   Hilton & Hampton by Hilton Hotels

As a public sector employee, you are entitled to an exclusive discount of up to 25% off the best available weekend leisure Bed & Breakfast rate at all participating hotels in the UK, Ireland and Europe. 15% off at Hampton by Hilton Hotels.

Simply visit

Offer is valid for up to two rooms per public sector employee per stay only and must be booked directly through Hilton owned booking channels. School ID is required at check-in.


    Marriott Hotels

As a public sector employee, enjoy your leisure weekends with up to 25% off Bed and Breakfast rates throughout the UK and Ireland.

Simply visit Marriott's Government & Public Sector Programme website

Discounts will need to be booked direct with your required Marriott hotel. Valid school identification may be required at check-in.

Occupational Sick Pay

For those times when you are not well enough to be at work, we provide occupational sick pay to support you financially.

Eye Care Support

Regular Display Screen User employees can claim reimbursement for an eye test, and we will pay for or contribute towards basic lenses when the glasses are solely needed for DSE use.

Food Sensitivity Testing Discount

Gain discounted access to the UK’s #1 food intolerance and allergy test provider, York Test, with their hassle-free premium home blood tests, to identify your food intolerances, allergies, health insights and food sensitivities. 


Integrated GP Service

Our fully integrated GP service allows you to receive an unlimited amount of consultations, and can offer a full Clinical Triage from a qualified nurse and the ability to speak to a qualified GP, as well as ordering prescriptions direct to your nominated pharmacy. Consultation length times are unlimited.

Private medical referrals or prescriptions need to be self-funded but the cost of a private prescription can be less than an NHS one.

Nurse Support

NMC registered nurses are on hand to offer support whenever you have a health concern. Staff can be signposted to the relevant SAS employee assistance programme service, assisting you with queries relating to your health and wellbeing, such as Cancer & Chronic Illness (including complementary therapies), Menopause, Bereavement and Mental Health support.

All services are confidential and clinician-led.

Occupational Health

We work with an occupational health providers to provide wellbeing support, counselling and other therapies.


We offer confidential, individual therapy sessions delivered effectively to you, whether you are still working or absent through illness. The reason for counselling does not need to be work related.

Be Mindful

If you feel you need help in managing your stress and anxiety levels, Be Mindful is the only NHS approved
mindfulness programme for schools. Instil coping strategies with their four-week online programme, with simple instructions and at your own pace.


Offering a selection of mindfulness support, including; The Relaxation Room Podcasts and Regular Live
Sessions with Mindfulness Teacher, June.


A private physiotherapy service to ensure that while you are waiting for a referral you can address and access therapy to alleviate discomfort. You are entitled to a telephone consultation with an experienced physiotherapist to assess the extent of your needs and develop a personalised treatment plan. You will then be referred to a local clinic should your condition require additional intervention. 

SAS Gym 

If you’re looking for guidance on your health and fitness, our SAS Gym App and SAS Personal Trainer can
provide you with workout and nutrition plans to help you. You can get access to live online fitness sessions and online health and wellbeing groups, alongside ready-made workouts and challenges to improve your overall health. Download the SAS Gym App on IOS and Android or join the social media group.

Weight Management

We provide access to resources to help you manage your weight via any of the following services; a 12-week Weight Management Service, Live Online Workouts, an online Personal Trainer and Nutritional Support.

Preparing Parents

If you’re pre-leave, on-leave, or post-leave, you can access three, hour-long sessions with SAS partners CM Talent, to help you navigate the changes in your work and life as you become a parent. Available to both parents or guardians, whatever your circumstances.