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Wellbeing Charter

The mental health and wellbeing of our staff is of great importance. Our staff are a precious resource. We are immensely grateful for the dedication our people show, and we value them, their wellbeing and their mental and physical health. Without our staff, our children would not receive the high level of education they deserve or gain the wonderful results they achieve.

Our Staff Wellbeing Group, consisting of staff from a range of support and teaching roles across our Trust, meets every half-term to discuss wellbeing questionnaire responses and identify any wellbeing needs within our schools. The group collaborated with Trust leaders to develop this charter which sets out our wellbeing offer as well as our drive to develop this, including future initiatives to protect and promote the wellbeing of all of our staff. 

We are extremely proud to have signed up to the Department for Education's Charter and work in partnership with them to achieve the highest possible standard of wellbeing and mental health throughout our Multi-Academy Trust.